1. I chose "massage therapy benefits". I was going to choose "massage therapy" but thanks to the helpful list provided by the database I added "benefits". There was a wide range of subjects from a Massage Sourcebook to chronic pain to active wheel chair users to colon and rectal cancer. Who knew that all these could have something in common with massage therapy benefits?! I also liked the search tools on the right hand side so that you could really narrow down your search by year, full text, catagory, etc.
2. The Constitution, the Law, and Freedom of Expression, 1787-1987
The Constitution of the United States of America
The Complete Idiot's Guide to the American Presidents
The Complete Idiot's Guide to American History
3. I searched "Nebraska". There are a lot of great resources on Native American History. I think any student would be able to find information to add to their report on Western History.
oh, massage therapy sounds good right now! Glad you found good results here, Raven. Thanks for the post.